
27 July, 2022

Humantecar thanks Professor Carlo Tranquilli, sports physician and forerunner of the Original Humantecar Tecartherapy.

In sports, when you win it is always because of the athlete or a team made up of athletes. If we are talking about great[...]

27 April, 2022

Global Sports Communication, NN Running Team and Humantecar®. The international partnership is consolidated.

A meeting with Global's executives, Valentijn Trouw (Performance Director) e Erik Van Leeuwen (Marketing Manager) took place in Njemegen, Netherlands. Together with Mario and Manuela Scerri of Humantecar has been made the point on the[...]

7 April, 2022

Humantecar® at the top in many sectors of professional sport.

It is almost impossible to describe the many successes achieved by teams, federations and athletes with whom we collaborate for a long time, but the month that has just ended was truly unique and special,[...]

7 March, 2022

In great shape Eliud Kipchoche wins the Tokyo 2022 Marathon!

A victory also for Humantecar®, Global Communication's technical partner. We have been supporting Eliud Kipchoche and his team for a long time. Our story begins many years ago, when talent was expressed on the track[...]

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The information provided on our website is supplied as a service to our clients and should not be used in place of advice and recommendations from qualified, registered medical sources. Always seek the opinion of a qualified medical professional if you believe you may be suffering from a medical condition discussed on our site.