Humantecar thanks Professor Carlo Tranquilli, sports physician and forerunner of the Original Humantecar Tecartherapy.

27 July, 2022 - Categories: Events News Sport Testimonianze

In sports, when you win it is always because of the athlete or a team made up of athletes. If we are talking about great athletes or great teams, very often, when we lose, the responsibility almost always, and in any case inevitably, falls on those who have not had the necessary attention to prevention or have erred in the ways of early intervention or even treatment of even a seemingly trivial or for most people, insignificant physical problem. A small problem for an ordinary person can become, in a very short space of time, a huge disadvantage for a professional athlete. it can mean, for example, losing an Olympic 100-meter flat final by a hundredth of a second.

Professional Athletes are perfect machines. They need professionals of the highest caliber by their side; professionals capable of devising a real strategy for approaching the race using state-of-the-art instrumentation and methods. An error, even a minor one, or a carelessness, simply "trivializing the alert messages the athlete sends to his caregivers" can wipe out months or even years of hard work on the training field.

Our experience, developed through years of activity and constant pursuit of perfection with Professor Carlo Tranquilli, has enabled us to develop the most advanced methods today to rapidly prevent and treat problems that strongly affect performance for the high-level athlete; it is for this reason that the Original Humantecar Tecartherapy is the rehabilitation and functional recovery methodology adopted by a great many great sports physicians and physical therapists around the world.  They all apply the absolutely original and innovative methodology with passion and scientific rigor.

We are very proud to have made known our method to the whole world, to have enhanced with the training of our Academy the diffusion of the original application method and we want to publicly thank Professor Tranquilli for the courage he had, already for many years, to open himself to this new possibility, allowing, with a constant common work, to develop a methodology appreciated by a very large number of Athletes, Coaches and Sport-Managers.  Today, on the occasion of the World Track and Field Championships in Eugene, USA, Professor Tranquilli, who remained in Italy, is not physically present at our location but the entire Humantecar staff is in constant contact for remote evaluations by telematics, suggestions, advice and to intervene and reassure all the greatest athletes who since 1996 have dedicated their medals to our work and our total dedication to a clean and extraordinarily beautiful sport.

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