Hussein Makké of ESMI Elite Sports Management International of Philadelphia, USA and Humantecar® team partner.

9 December, 2019 - Categories: News Sport

The activity of an elite athlete's manager goes far beyond the organization of sporting events and the planning of competitive seasons.

Hussein Makkè, for many years collaborates with Humantecar® in transmitting to his athletes the message of the prevention and rapid cure of even the smallest disorders, which if they are not treated early, can negatively affect the competitive results. And the effects are visible.

Many are the athletes in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Kenya training centers, who are followed by expert physiotherapists trained by our "Sport Specialists" equipped with the original tecartherapy, Humantecar® equipment. An enormous effort from an organizational point of view, which rewards over the years. With HCR 1002, the latest generation of powerful and easily transportable tecartherapy, the work of many elite sports therapists is facilitated, to intervene quickly even close to a competition, and eliminate any type of inflammation and pain in the osteoarticular and muscular system.

We are proud to support Hussein Makkè in this adventure which has lasted for several years and sure we can intensify, making available all our experience that is enriched day by day both from the scientific and technological point of view.

If it is not called Humantecar®, it will never give the benefits of Humantecar®.

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