Human Tecar in Lebanon

17 November, 2017 - Categories: Events

In September this year, Human Tecar appointed AlphaPro of Beirut as exclusive Distributor for Lebanon, and it looks like our CEO, Mario Scerri, chose wisely in designating Bernard Akel’s company and its over 30-year experience in the medical sector as partners for our brand. Mario had an early opportunity of introducing Human Tecar at the International Scientific Days convention of the country’s Institut National de Physiothérapie, which he attended with Mr. Akel on 09/16-17. The presentation elicited enormous interest from local professionals, particularly in the orthopedic and urological sectors, and is being followed by an intense schedule of seminars and workshops on the Human Tecar MO.

Our new Distributor is effectively developing brand awareness in this highly professional, receptive market that’s very serious indeed about scientific quality standards: suffice it to say the number of universities and research centers is astoundingly large for a country that’s only 0.7 times the size of Connecticut… The synergy between our people, present to support athletes during major sports events like the recent Beirut Marathon (where Kenyan Dominic Ruto, whom we assisted, broke the race record in 2:10:41), and AlphaPro, who are introducing our know-how and method into Lebanon’s universities, sports teams, public and private centers, promises to be a winning formula – worthy of this wonderful ancient culture.

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