Breaking2 (square): more on the Monza marathon record

22 May, 2017 - Categories: Events Sport

Some events are so unique, it’s impossible to capsulize them in just one newsflash. So here we are, posting a second story on the Breaking2 attempt of Saturday, May 6, which saw Human Tecar flank an amazing ‘task force’ in top athletics and sports management. We might call it Breaking2 Two, the ‘second lap’ to our report on the race. Breaking2 square, as it were.

We’d like all running enthusiasts and friends of Human Tecar to enjoy the salient details of that eventful first week of May, when the frescoed halls of Monza’s Hotel de la Ville housed our athletes’ service hub, and a few of our finest physiotherapists treated such iconic champions as Eliud Kipchoge, Zersenay Tadese, Lelisa Desisa and Bernard Kipchirchir Lagat (one of the thirty pacemakers that took it in turns the day of the race: stars supporting stars…).

The Human Tecar workstations obviously included our complete range of products and technologies – from functional cosmetics for treating runners’ legs first thing in the morning, to post-training soothing lotions; from devices that stimulate microcirculation, like HCR, to those for neuromuscular reprogramming, such as Human Tecar ViSS, or our Human Tecar proprioceptive Mats etc. We had to prove ourselves worthy of an event as meticulously, millimetrically planned as Nike’s, and thanks to a ‘task force’ of our own, we did.

We had the pleasure of seeing these ace runners make it to the top of their form throughout the week thanks to the reiterated daily sessions of Human Tecar and what athletes inevitably take away from treatment: our CEO, Mario Scerri, calls it the “happy factor” – the relaxed, vibrant, pain-free feeling that provides them with the energy and concentration to perform to their highest standards.

Our task force, like Nike’s, included advisors, scientists and luminaries, notably our scientific director, Professor Carlo Tranquilli, who coordinated the Human Tecar Specialists’ activities, Cristiano Fusi, MD, sports doctor in charge of Specialist Rehabilitation at Istituti Clinici Zucchi in Monza (part of the San Donato group, like the San Raffaele Hospital of Milan), who placed the Monza structure at the athletes’ disposal, as well as Renato Cerioli, CEO of Istituti Clinici Zucchi and of another clinic belonging to the San Donato group, Istituto Clinico Villa Aprica, in Como.

We’d like to thank each and every one of them for what turned out to be a veritable marathon of professionalism, attention to detail and 24/7 availability. Thanks to all, and arrivederci for the next record!

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