New partnership for Human Tecar

24 octubre, 2016 - Categoría: Promozionali

Human Tecar hit a home run with the Italian Athletics Federation, FIDAL – run being the operative word. Our growing portfolio of partnerships world-wide has a new addition in the “First Community of Runners Powered by FIDAL,” Runcard, which promotes a busy agenda of events for all those people who like to ‘keep on the right track’ in everyday life with a healthy lifestyle and plenty of exercise.

FIDAL, like other top-level sports associations around the world, has espoused a philosophy that’s familiar to us: sharing its professional assets, know-how, tools and services with the increasing number of non-professionals and ‘ordinary’ people who wish to embrace an active, healthy lifestyle and maximize their balance and well-being. Such a federation could hardly find a more ideal partner than a brand that’s always used top-level sports as its testing ground and extended the benefits of its R&D in sports to an ever-growing public in Italy and the world – a brand like Human Tecar.

In Italy, holders of Runcard cards will be able to enjoy 10% discounts at all Human Tecar centers in the country. Worth running the idea past a few foreign federations...

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