Human Tecar and the Monaco meet’s "Olympic Truce"

25 julio, 2016 - Categoría: Promozionali

The international meet on the French Riviera, July 15, penultimate Diamond League event before the Rio Olympics, saw athletes ‘tune up’ for the Games also thanks to Human Tecar. A competition of this ilk, three weeks from the Brazilian challenge, could only be an adrenalin-driven experience.

With an unscheduled, tragic prelude just 20 hours before: the Promenade des Anglais attack in Nice, a mere 8 miles away from the Louis II Stadium, which nearly got the event cancelled. The IAAF and Prince Albert eventually decided to keep their appointment with the world’s finest track & field athletes, in the spirit of sports and the Olympics themselves: fair play, universality and solidarity; the best antidotes to ideologies of hate.

Human Tecar’s hospitality area was as busy as – or busier – than ever, our physiotherapists working flat out, getting competitors to feel their best: a true “Olympic Truce” in the races’ war of nerves. And the war of nerves, period.

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