Trento Half Marathon, Kenya and Human Tecar sweep the podium

11 octubre, 2016 - Categoría: Deportes Eventos

It was quite a sight to behold: all three of the half marathon winners at the end of the urban course, in Trento’s Piazza Duomo, wrapped in… the Kenyan flag? Not really, though it certainly might have been, considering Kenya swept the podium. The three lengths of cloth were actually three towels; not just any towel, though – Human Tecar towels, the kind used during treatment at the Human Tecar athletes’ services hub before the race.Ditto for the gold and silver medallists in the women’s category, both Kenyan, both Human Tecar; by which we don’t just mean these champions used the HT hospitality present at the Trento Running Festival of October 1 and 2 (with the 21.097 km race as crowning event on Sunday the 2nd), but that they have been assisted by our specialists throughout their year’s training and racing agenda.

Human Tecar, in fact, supports the great international athletes represented by Gianni Demadonna of DAP/Demadonna Athletic Promotions. Gianni is not only a top manager in track & field; he is also honorary president of the committee that runs the Trento Half Marathon.

This sixth edition was hugely successful, breaking every record both on the course and in terms of participation, with over 1,300 half marathon runners and almost 4,000 over the two days of the actual Trento Running Festival.So here’s the podium for the Half Marathon: 1st in the men’s race, Victor Chumo (Kenya and Human Tecar) in 1:02:14, 2nd place for Joash Kipruto Koech (Kenya, HT) in 1:02:23; 3rd place for Hosea Kimeli Kisorio (ditto) in 1:02:27.Women’s race: gold for Angela Tanui (Kenya, Human Tecar) in 1:09:27; silver to Mary Wangari Wanjohi (Kenya, HT) in 1:14:59; third place, Martha Akeno in 1:15:03.

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