Tokyo Marathon crowns Kipsang (and Human Tecar)

2 marzo, 2017 - Categoría: Deportes

Sunday, February 26, 2017, saw the 11th edition of the first major marathon of the season (also the youngest of the six world majors). It was a day of records and first timers. For instance, the inauguration of a brand new course that saw the hilliest portion of the race moved from the end to the middle. Also, it was the first time since 2011 (and second time ever) the capital of the Rising Sun saw a marathon where it didn’t… rain. The sun did rise on Sunday last, welcoming some 36,000 participants with a brisk, crisp temperature of 48.92° Fahrenheit (9.4 degrees Celsius) at the starting line, 9 a.m.; the kind of temperature that appears to make the air cleaner, athletes’ feet lighter. Average humidity was 29%, the wind below 10 miles an hour – even though the hero of the day, an amazing Wilson Kipsang – whom we’ve been assisting for years with the Human Tecar MO (he was supported by Human Tecar Specialist Frank Hartkamp of Volare Sports in Tokyo) –, later confided it may have slowed his progress.

For three quarters of the race, the Kenyan champion maintained a world record-breaking pace, only infinitesimally slowing over the last ten kilometers. Still, we all have reason to celebrate as he eventually crossed the finish line in 2:03:58, smashing the Japanese all-comers record and recording the first sub-2:04 clocking ever in Asia – his own fourth sub-2:04 in the marathon.

To date, the 34-year-old has won four out of six world majors: Tokyo, Berlin, London and New York. Apparently, he once said he’d like to win them all before retiring. Who knows, gold in Chicago and Boston might be up for grabs next… With a little help from his friends.

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