Success on the rocks: Human Tecar makes a splash in Modena

7 noviembre, 2016 - Categoría: Deportes Eventos

Italians love the mountains: some 31-35% of the population practices winter sports and 42% spend most weekends and holidays on the slopes. It is therefore not to be wondered at the major international winter sports and tourism event held once a year in Modena since 1994 – Skipass – should be packed with enthusiastic aficionados, amateur and professional sportspeople, expert mountaineers, healthcare professionals, trainers and educators from all over Italy (besides a pretty large crowd from overseas).

This 23rd edition, if anything, was beyond our wildest dreams both in itself and for our crew of Human Tecar specialists, who were very, very much in demand throughout the fair, October 29-November 1st. The FISIMaps format, introduced last year, was back, much to visitors’ delight, with its 250 square meters of winter sports culture and physiotherapy. Human Tecar, as official partner of Italy’s Winter Sports Federation, FISI, was given ample space within FISIMaps. Thank goodness! For the dozen or so treatment stations were barely enough to satisfy demand from both individual athletes and entire teams (notably the alpine skiing team, cross-country and biathlon), whose appreciation for our MO has increased exponentially over the past few years.

Just as numerous were the amateur sportspeople, who were particularly interested in the Human Tecar home care products like our fast recovery bandages and creams, habitually used by athletes during their training programs. In fact, one of the keenest satisfactions to HT physios was realizing that elite athletes have been able to get a long-term view of the benefits of our methodology, thanks to the tailored protocols they’ve been enjoying all year round from Federal physiotherapists. The latter regularly use the Human Tecar MO both pre-race, during training and to alleviate issues like jet lag and leg fatigue prior to international competitions. In other words, in winter sports as in many others, Human Tecar is now considered an integral part of training and a way of preventing rather than responding to injury; of maintaining balance and keeping competitors in top shape. As it were... at their peak.

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