Roman orthopedic convention takes a load off people's shoulders

22 noviembre, 2016 - Categoría: Dolor agudo y crónico Eventos

Human Tecar was present Saturday, November 12, at the Seraphicum Auditorium in Rome, on the occasion of a veritable international summit on shoulder conditions – “The Shoulder: Rehabilitation and Surgery” – organized by Giovanni Di Giacomo, MD, Chairman of the event, and by the Concordia Hospital for Special Surgery in Rome; one of the leading centers in the world to be recognized by ISAKOS, International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopedic Sports Medicine. (Dr Di Giacomo has been the medical director of arthroscopic surgery at the Concordia for the past fifteen years, as well as orthopedic consultant for various national soccer teams, Italian medical director for ATP and WTA tennis players, European Chairman of the Society for Tennis Medicine and Science, etc.)

Special guest and speaker at the convention was Shirley Sahrmann, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Associate Professor of physical therapy and neurology at Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri, a Catherine Worthington Fellow of the American Physical Therapy Association, author of numerous publications on musculoskeletal pain syndromes and an authority on post-surgery shoulder rehab, as well as a member of the convention’s Scientific Committee. Also a member of the Committee and present at the event was Dr Rosanna Baroni, PT, a lecturer on Movement System Impairment Syndromes and the Shirley Sharmann MSIS method at the Insubria University in Varese.

Attendance was impressive, interest extremely high: physicians, physiotherapists, health professionals and trade were engrossed in successive lectures from 8:30 am to 4 pm, and especially appreciated Dr Di Giacomo’s live surgery at midday, which was video streamed to the audience a mere twenty minutes after the surgeon had spoken in person – and shortly before his presentation of the book he edited, “Shoulder Surgery Rehabilitation - A Teamwork Approach” (Springer, 2016).

It is precisely this teamwork spirit, palpable at the convention, which made the Human Tecar crew feel at home; as is what Dr Di Giacomo calls the “cultural overlap between orthopedist and rehabilitator, indispensable for correct inter-disciplinary communication”.

The kind of cultural overlap Human Tecar has been promoting and supporting from day one, in the belief it is essential for the healthcare sector of the future. So physician, physiotherapist and health professionals can stand shoulder to shoulder in solving musculoskeletal issues and minimizing or eliminating pain.

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