Italian Winter Sports Federation sports fun and games in the Schnalstal

26 abril, 2016 - Categoría: Deportes Eventos

The '15/'16 winter season had its grand finale in South Tyrol with FISI (Federazione Italiana Sport Invernali) and Human Tecar, from April 21 through the National Holiday of April 25.

A series of unusual, entertaining events both on and off the tracks saw top national athletes cross-compete in different disciplines (like snowboarder versus skier and cross-country versus Alpine skier) or compete with amateurs, teach them a trick or two during exceptional ‘learn with the champs’ sessions, or race in the giant slalom for the Ötzi Trophy; not to mention testing the new ski collections, après-ski soirées and a myriad amusements against the breathtaking backdrop of the Schnalstal, the Senales Valley, at some 10,500 feet.

Our Human Tecar Point was busier than ever with a host of celebrities getting fitter, chilling out and recovering their strength; all except Ötzi the Iceman himself, who likely chilled out more than enough. (He had a previous commitment at Bozen’s Archaeological Museum, anyway.) We treated Christof Innerhofer, Matteo Marsaglia, Manuela Moelgg, Peter Fill, Chiara Costazza and many other athletes.

Friends, actually, after over a decade’s Human Tecar/FISI partnership, supporting them, season after season, during training and by the race slopes; and, why not, celebrating life and sports at festive times such as these…

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