Human Tecar/Honda Gariboldi Racing Team partnership off to a roaring start

27 febrero, 2017 - Categoría: Deportes

Giacomo Gariboldi’s motocross team, recently renamed HRC, has engaged in a new winning partnership after the well established one with Honda and Giacomo’s star pilots, MX2 World Champion for 2015 and MXGP World Champion for 2016, Tim Gajser, and Russian-born Evgeny Bobryshev.

HRC’s new partner is Human Tecar, the brand that’s been revolutionizing physiotherapy since 1996. A brand that is far more than mere technology – and no-body’s better placed than a motocross team to understand how winning is about more than the mechanics of machines, and success comes from a synergy of factors where the human element takes center stage.

In fact, the partnership between HRC and Human Tecar was triggered by the professionalism of two people within the team: physiotherapist Filippo Camaschella, with a solid background in the Human Tecar Academy and years of experience in using our method to facilitate and accelerate the recovery of pilots subject to frequent contusions; and team manager Giacomo Gariboldi, who decided to set up an ad-hoc mobile physiotherapy center to enable his pilots to race at the top of their form and win. Again and again.

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