Human Tecar Flanks European Parkinson Therapy Centre

6 abril, 2016 - Categoría: Discapacidad Synergy Mat Synergy Viss Terceraedad

Some collaborations make us particularly proud. Like the one launched on April 4th with EuPaTh, the non-profit organization in Boario Terme. It was an early spring day on the lovely alpine resort set between lake and mountains – and it’s common knowledge that springtime is a time for hope and renewal for all.

Even for those of us whose lives aren’t quite that easy. Parkinsonians and their families, for instance. Alex Reed, EuPaTh director and founder, is a successful executive with a career in tourism and sports. After his diagnosis, he has remained as proactive as ever; what’s more, he has devoted himself to improving the quality of life of others – people affected, not defined by Parkinson’s; people who demand a multi-disciplinary therapy involving their families and caregivers as well as themselves, treatment offering swift and effective solutions in a pleasant, hotel and spa environment, based on a scientific protocol with a solid international reputation (ReGen).

Therapy is individual and personalized, and can last one or two weeks; it includes every issue facing Parkinsonians and offers psychological and neurological support, cognitive and motor rehabilitation, even nutrition education.

Human Tecar’s contribution comprises anti-stress treatment that ameliorates quality of sleep (insomnia is a major issue for Parkinsonians); Human Tecar Viss gives crucial support in solving such problems as hypertonia and muscular rigidity. The Center is also about to implement motor rehabilitation on our proprioceptive Human Tecar Mats, which are particularly suited for improving gait stability and balance.

Spring is in the air. For real.

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