Building bridges to the future, a view from the Bosphorus, and Room 2103

18 noviembre, 2016 - Categoría: Deportes Eventos

Marathons build bridges. In many of the most famous majors, they cross them. New York’s Verrazano Bridge, the Tower Bridge of London, the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul are veritable emblems that stand out in our minds, symbolizing the respective events.

The IAAF Gold Label Marathon that took place last Sunday, November 13 crossed three bridges and two continents; the sole marathon in the world to unite Asia and Europe.

Human Tecar was there early on, before the actual race, to prepare the professional runners get into shape, resolve any tension and get a good night’s sleep before the event. Many of the elite athletes recognized and sought out the Human Tecar brand, in Istanbul.

Human Tecar specialist Stefano Bettoni was there to provide treatment. In fact, he reported that his hotel room, equipped with HCR, Human Tecar ViSS and Human Tecar proprioceptive Mats, was extremely popular with such champions as Ethopia’s Shura Kitata Tola (who came in second in 2:14:06), Peter Kiptoo Kiplagat of Kenya (third in 2:14:31), and the latter’s countrymen, who clocked the subsequent times: Felix Kipchumb Korir and Bernard Sang; and among women, the marathon’s ‘silver’ Ethiopian, Sechale Delasa Adugna (who completed the course in 2:33:36) and long-distance runner Yasemin Can (Kenyan by birth and a naturalized Turkish citizen; she ran the 15 km in Istanbul), holder of three Turkish national titles this year, as well as two gold medals at the 2016 European Championships in Amsterdam.

Stefano is very happy with his experience in the Turkish capital, the “fantastic” organization, the excellent feedback and the ‘human factor’ of a city that is a crossroads of cultures, timeless charm and ambition for the future. As for just how happy the athletes were when treated, our physiotherapist shared a truly singular story: one of the elite runners who made use of Room 2103 – the “Human Tecar room” – was so satisfied he suggested introducing Stefano Bettoni to his sister.

Who knows, having a Human Tecar specialist as a brother-in-law might turn out pretty useful!

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