Allons athlètes! French center for elite sportsmanship, INSEP, gets Human Tecar on board

24 mayo, 2017 - Categoría: Deportes

The occasion called for a personal visit from our CEO, Mario Scerri, with Madame Catherine Legrand of Élite Medicale, our French distributor: it’s not every day that one of the world’s most prestigious elite sports, training and medical complexes signs an agreement to have the Human Tecar MO on board for the next four years. Just so we put things into perspective: Friday, May 19, the very same day Mario Scerri called on the complex, the latter received a “courtesy” visit by the newly appointed Minister of Sports, fencing champion Laura Flessel, who trained there years earlier. The multiple medal winner and current Minister calls it her “house of excellence”. We’re talking of the Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance, INSEP.

The complex stands on 28 hectares in the heart of Bois de Vincennes, within the Twelfth Arrondissement of the French capital, and is run by another top French athlete, Ghani Yalouz. Even beyond the country’s borders, the Parisian structure is an international reference center, whose model organization, professional training and scientific research inspire sports education and sports medicine worldwide. Its mission? Nurturing and supporting the finest athletes across the board, enabling them to study on premise, simultaneously training and competing with the best, as well as receiving full medical and physiotherapeutic support within INSEP.

A complex of this ilk, ça va sans dire, only picks the best. Our agreement was no exception: after a painstaking analysis of Human Tecar technology, our MO and international experience in preventing injuries and complementing daily training, INSEP chose Human Tecar.

Once again, the world of professional sports has proven the ideal scenario to conduct research into the swiftest, most effective physiotherapies, and a privileged testing ground for our methodology, whose benefits are then applied to a larger public. In this sense, a crucial factor will be the continuous process of education and exchange of information between our scientific director, Professor Carlo Tranquilli, and the Parisian center’s avant-garde team, so as to fine-tune and document every stage of the collaboration.

A great number of Olympic medals have emerged from INSEP. To all of us at Human Tecar, the agreement means as much as an Olympic gold. Make that double gold. For sports and for research.

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