A year of tower running (and Human Tecar) for Cristina Bonacina: 9,500 feet in the sky

13 diciembre, 2016 - Categoría: Deportes

Sunday, December 4 saw the final race of the International Skyrunning Federation’s Vertical World Circuit: nine races in the course of a year, nine of the world’s tallest skyscrapers with a grand finale at the ICC Tower in Hong Kong; a total of 13,924 steps that, race after race – London Dubai New York Paris Manila Sydney Beijing Shanghai Hong Kong – led our Cristina Bonacina to make 4th place in the general ranking for 2016: an amazing result for this wife, athlete and mother who blew out no less than 41 candles on October 25 last – all in one go, naturally.

You cannot afford to be short of breath if you want to keep to the top of vertical running after nine intense, highly successful VWC seasons (dozens of podiums and a World Cup win in 2011). In particular, Cristina admitted that 2016 “was absolutely the toughest racing season” she ever concluded, “physically and, above all, psychologically.” This year, too, we assisted her with the Human Tecar methodology, so as to support her daily training routine (proprioceptive, barefoot workout on Human Tecar Mats is one highly effective exercise for runners) and help her recover between races – something Cristina herself pointed out in thanking “those who believed in me, from the law firm Vincenzo Coppola, to Mario Scerri’s Human Tecar and my physiotherapist Stefano Punzo, to Adacta Sport, Scott, my husband and daughter.”

It is we who thank this extraordinary woman: her strength and tenacity are daily proof of the effectiveness of our method. To Cristina, as to the potential of the Human Tecar technology and MO, the sky’s the limit.

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