24-karat Golden Gala: Gatlin Wins Gold (and gives it away...)

10 junio, 2016 - Categoría: Deportes Eventos

Three days of hard work. At the international track & field Diamond League meeting in Rome, the actual competitions were on June 2nd but before and after the races, our Human Tecar specialists, orchestrated by Professor Carlo Tranquilli, did their utmost to have athletes from all over the world recover from previous DL meet efforts and snap back into shape, physically and psychologically. Nine seconds and ninety-three hundredths of a second: season best in the men’s 100m and gold medal at the Roman event, Justin Gatlin’s performance is spectacular, on and off the track. Pure power, generosity and determination, he achieves his goal and walks over to a radiant Mario Scerri to give him a hug. Only that’s not all he gives Mario: without hesitating a single instant, as naturally as can be, Justin takes off his hard-earned medal and puts it around Mario’s neck – as bystanders understandably watch in disbelief. This news item is meant for you, dear bystanders: explaining how on earth Human Tecar founder and 50-something entrepreneur Mario Scerri can possibly have won an IAAF gold medal – without actually running. For a few months now, Mario has been devoting all of his considerable enthusiasm to supporting the US champion by every means in his power, assisting him in training and recovery and flanking his personal physiotherapist with our Human Tecar specialists. The Brooklyn-born 34-year-old, who is clearly a champion in spontaneity and gratitude, chose the Golden Gala to show his appreciation. Mario, needless to say, has been walking on air ever since. We’ve only seen him this happy when he’s playing with his grandson. And whenever “his” athletes and his method reach a major goal.

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