The athletes of Vodafone Malta Marathon have chosen Human Tecar for their muscle recovery

4 marzo, 2016 - Categoría: Deportes Eventos

During the 2016 Vodafone Malta Marathon held on the 28th February Human Tecar assisted the athletes supporting them along the 42 km route that started outside the bastions of Malta’s old capital Mdina, headed through the main road of Rabat, down through Nigret and onto the Mtarfa by-pass to get to Ta’Qali.

Thanks to the hospitality area arranged for by the Human Tecar distributor in Malta Giuseppe Ferraro, the athletes had the opportunity to receive muscle recovery treatments with Fast Recovery Bandage.

The marathon was also a social occasion, with musical bands and numerous attractions. Moreover, it was a charity event devoted to “Inspire – The Foundation for Inclusion”, the foundation that works with children and adults with various disabilities to help them achieve the highest levels of independence.

With its presence, Human Tecar made a significant contribution to Vodafone Malta Marathon in terms of athlete assistance.

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