Human Tecar flies to Rio

5 agosto, 2016 - Categoría: Deportes Eventos

Human Tecar founder Mario Scerri is busily briefing his collaborators as we write, ready to leave for the airport and already in ‘Olympics mode’: a combination of adrenalin and good humor, for Mario takes to world-class sports events like a fish to water.

Nothing makes him quite as happy as the realization his method has been instrumental – often crucial – in getting ‘his’ many athletes around the world ready to race. He’s glad to watch the Games, sure, but even happier he’ll get to see his friends: top sportspeople and sports managers of all nationalities, professionals who share his passion for sports, fair play, Human Tecar and all it can do for athletes and non-athletes.

Our team is ready in Rio – and what a team: five Human Tecar specialists led by Cristian Martinelli: Cristiano Ivan Carioni, Georgia Casali (on home base, for she’s Italian-Brazilian), Paolo Malpeli and Andrea Zullo. They’re going to be as tireless as ever both at the adidas Rio Creators Base, adidas’ athlete service area, which reserved a vast section to Human Tecar treatment, and in an outside service area all our own, a stone’s throw from the adidas hub, in the Barra da Tijuca neighborhood.

All that’s left for us to do now is root for the Rio competitors – not just the Italian teams, seeking Italy’s 200th Olympic gold, but athletes from all over the world, whom we’ve had a chance to support through the years. Here at Human Tecar, sports is the only banner and the only passport.

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