MOTOGP - Marc Márquez: seven titles and one method

That "el Cabroncito" is an epoch-making phenomenon is more than certain.

We of HumanTecar® know it well considering the fact that we follow him and we have been giving to him physiotherapy support for many years. Today, winning seven titles at only 25 years old, the World Champion of MotoGP is defined as an incomparable "tightrope walker" that has made of his own body an extension of his motorcycle, of his elbow and knee a third and fourth wheel, standing up "when everyone would fall on the ground".

Today, like yesterday, we share his happiness and celebrate his victories, with a bit of pride that is given to us having treated him till now and having the awareness that his unequalled balance is maximized by our healthy method. The Champion, in fact, prepares for competitions right from home, where he has our HCR technology, fundamental in the prevention of back, legs and arms overload injuries and the HumanTecar® MATs, which Marc uses during his barefoot proprioceptive exercises, unavoidable to maximize balance.

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